Japanese Romaji Keyboard Input Guide あ ア a い イ i う ウ u え エ e お オ o か カ ka き キ ki く ク ku け ケ ke こ コ ko さ サ sa し シ si す ス su せ セ se そ ソ so た タ ta ち チ ti つ ツ tu て テ te と ト to な ナ na に ニ ni ぬ ヌ nu ね ネ ne の ノ no は ハ […]
Kana is a Japanese epithet. The word “kana” means “to borrow”, and the word “nana” means “character”. It is called kana because it only borrows the sound and shape of kanji, but not its meaning, so it is called kana, and kanji is called mana.There are two main types of kana: “hiragana” and “katakana”. Hiragana […]
Rally Car Typing Race Game
There are two main forms: stage rallies and road rallies. Stage rallies have been a specialized branch of the sport since the 1960s. They are based on a straightforward speed competition on roads where no other vehicles are allowed. From flat tarmac and mountain roads to rugged forest trails, from snow and ice to desert […]