タイピング練習: Japanese Keyboard Typing Practice

Japanese Romaji Keyboard Input Guide

あ ア aい イ  iう ウ  uえ エ  eお オ  o
か カ  kaき キ  kiく ク  kuけ ケ  keこ コ  ko
さ サ  saし シ  siす ス  suせ セ  seそ ソ  so
た タ  taち チ  tiつ ツ  tuて テ  teと ト  to
な ナ  naに ニ  niぬ ヌ  nuね ネ  neの ノ  no
は ハ  haひ ヒ  hiふ フ  fuへ ヘ  heほ ホ  ho
ま マ maみ ミ  miむ ム muめ メ  meも モ mo
や ヤ  yaゆ ユ  yuよ ヨ  yoわ ワ  waを ヲ  wo
ら ラ  raり リ  riる ル  ruれ ロ  reろ ロ  ro

ん nn 

か ガ gaぎ ギ giぐ グ guげ ゲ geご ゴ go
ざ ザ zaじ ジ jiず ズ juぜ ゼ zeぞ ゾ zo
だ ダ daぢ ヂ diづ ヅ duで デ deど ド do
ば バ baび ビ biぶ ブ buべ ベ beぼ ボ bo
ぱ パ paぴ ピ piぷ プ puぺ ペ peぽ ポ po
きゃ キャ kyaきゅ キュ kyuきょ キョ kyo
しゃ シャ  syaしゅ シュ  syuしょ ショ  syo
ちゃ チャ  tyaちゅ チュ  tyuちょ チョ  tyo
にゃ ニャ  nyaにゅ ニュ  nyuにょ ニョ  nyo
ひゃ ヒャ  hyaひゅ ヒュ  hyuひょ ヒョ  hyo
みゃ ミャ  myaみゅ ミュ  myuみょ ミョ  myo
りゃ リャ  ryaりゅ リュ  ryuりょ リョ  ryo
ぎゃ ギャ gyaぎゅ ギュ gyuぎょ ギョ gyo
じゃ ジャ jaじゅ ジュ  juじょ ジョ jo
びゃ ビャ byaびゅ ビュ  byuびょ ビョ byo
ぴゃ ピャ pyaぴゅ ピュ  pyuぴょ ピョ  pyo

The long-sounding symbol “ー” in katakana is entered by pressing the – (minus key) to the right of the number key 0.

There are two ways to input the velar sound in a single word.
① Double-entering after the first letter of the latter pronunciation will result in a proclamation, e.g.: 切符, きっぷ kippu, 校 がっこう gakkou
② when entering small っ alone you can use direct input ltu or xtu

Small aa no footprint input
Other small kana can be entered in the same way as explained in ② above, just add x or l in front of it to turn it into small kana
For example, if you enter the letters “l” or “x” + a, i, u, e, or o, you get aa by entering la, aa by entering xa, and no by entering li.

Microsoft Japanese input method is the way to input Roman characters or directly input kana.

In the “Input Mode” menu above the input method taskbar.

Hiragana is Hiragana Shortcut key: Ctrl + Capslock key
Katakana is Katakana Shortcut: Alt + Capslock
Alphanumeric is alphanumeric Shortcut: Alt + ~ (the key under the Esc key)
Direct Input is the way to input kana directly

Generally we use Hiragana and Katakana mode to input.

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About The Author
- Hi! I'm Linda Smith, a Freelance Writer and Social Media Manager who helps Fin-tech startups build an audience and get more clients online. I write unique and research-driven content about self-growth for adults, business, career, life insurance, typing games, lessons, exercise, practice, test and more. When not traveling, I enjoy practicing for yoga, going on hikes, and planning for the next adventure with the husband and kids.

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