Dance Mat Typing Level 3 Stage 7

Dance Mat Typing Level 3

Dance Mat Typing Stage 7

Keys: V & M Keys

Dance Mat Typing Game Level 3 Stage 7 For Adults

In stage 7, you will learn the two-letters v and m in the home row’s bottom row. But before starting, to make sure you have a great grip on typing letters of both the home row and upper row, you need to repeat the previous lessons.

Once you have successfully completed all the stages of level 1 and level 2, you will get the keys to stage 7 of level 3. Your hands determine the letters’ position on the keyboard, so press M with the right-hand index finger and V with the left index finger. It’s very easy to understand; place your hands on the home row and slightly move your left-hand index finger from f to v and similarly move your right-hand index finger from j to m.

Your both index fingers are used to press multiple letters, so you don’t need to worry. You will learn how to move your index fingers below the f and j keys in stage five. You can check your progress on the status bar once you get used to the new keys.

Dance Mat Typing Game Level 3 Stage 7 For Kids

Hello Juniors, I am Massimo; welcome to level 3, “high mountainous region”. Until all the gangs play, I will stay with you and show you how to type and the stage ahead. Let’s warm up your hands and start typing!

You will see different letters in the sky in the warm-up round, you have to type all the letters correctly, and in this period, you will play four gongs. Put your fingers on the home row and press Q and P with your pinky fingers. The main purpose of this warm-up round is to move forward with what you have learned from previous stages. If you have a strong grip on typing P and K keys, it means you know how to use all the alphabets correctly.

Keep Belief in your typing skills. Just practice your typing skills to enhance your typing speed and efficiency. In this stage, we’ll learn how to type two-letters v and m. Use your left-hand pointer finger to press the v key, which controls f, g, t, and r. While doing the tasks, keep an eye on how many gongs you’ve rung.

The second letter you will learn in this stage is M. Use your right-hand pointer finger type M on the third row. In this way, your right-hand pointer finger will control j, h, y, u, and m.

You will see a lit candle on the top of my head, At the end of the tutorial. Don’t worry, i explain to you why i play thee gongs so loudly. But, first of all, you need to play all the gongs. So, enjoy your typing lesson in this beautiful region along with nice, polite, and mysterious music.

Note: More candles will light your way to learn how to type.

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About The Author
- Hi! I'm Linda Smith, a Freelance Writer and Social Media Manager who helps Fin-tech startups build an audience and get more clients online. I write unique and research-driven content about self-growth for adults, business, career, life insurance, typing games, lessons, exercise, practice, test and more. When not traveling, I enjoy practicing for yoga, going on hikes, and planning for the next adventure with the husband and kids.

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