Dance Mat Typing Level 1 Stage 2

Dance Mat Typing Level 1

Dance Mat Typing Stage 2

Keys: E & I Keys

Dance Mat Typing Game Level 1 Stage 2 For Adults

In Stage 2, you will learn how to use two letters, e and i, effectively.

It starts with a brief overview of typing on the home row and then gradually helps the user understand how to use the I and E keys without removing their hands from the home row. The I key is operated by your right hand, and the E key is easy to type with your left hand.

You can move your finger that rests on the D key whenever you need to press the E key. Similarly, move the finger from the k key to the I key whenever necessary. It is like shifting your fingers from j to h and f to g in stage 1. Just like Stage 1, this Stage contains several easy, medium, and hard tests that will teach you the right use of typing words with the letters e and I included. The lines you have typed with the letter e, and then with the letter i, and your progress is recorded on the track bar.

Dance Mat Typing Game Level 1 Stage 2 For Kids

Cute kids welcome back to level one and Stage 2 typing class.

Here Miss Octopus is your teacher. In this lesson, your character is a fish!

Firstly, you will take an overview test you had learned in Stage one of level one. In this stage, you need to open shells through your correct word. Each time you type the letter correctly, one shell will be opened at the screen top. Besides, once you successfully complete the first round, you will hear a background voice, “what a great start,” with a soft Indian accent that feels interesting. Surely, you will enjoy the sound. Let’s start to open shells after the warm-up round.  

Here we teach you two new letters E and I. Use the right-hand middle finger to press on I, and similarly, use the left-hand middle finger to type E. That’s great; it’s super easy!

Well done! Open all shells with your left-hand finger. You will see a new character on the screen. Yes! Welcome the blue octopus. After opening the all-right-hand shell, you need to move out to the right side and break the remaining four shells. Now, here Blue Mr. Octopus welcomes you, and the CANTATO singer sings a song on your success. Do you really like his song? When you open the last 2 shells of your right hand, you realize that you have opened it by typing with your two hands, so don’t need to worry or afraid; you can do it!

After finishing all the tasks, you will hear a sweet Italian song that is automatically played. If you don’t understand the song lyrics, don’t worry, you definitely enjoy it because its rhythm is really nice. In this Stage, you can also learn the right pronunciation of the words.

Fishes…do fun! Goodbye, see you in Stage 3!

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About The Author
- Hi! I'm Linda Smith, a Freelance Writer and Social Media Manager who helps Fin-tech startups build an audience and get more clients online. I write unique and research-driven content about self-growth for adults, business, career, life insurance, typing games, lessons, exercise, practice, test and more. When not traveling, I enjoy practicing for yoga, going on hikes, and planning for the next adventure with the husband and kids.

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