Typing Test
Typing is an essential skill for anyone with a computer. The more comfortably you're typing, the more you can focus on what you're working on. Fixing typing and slow typing errors moves your attention away from what you're trying to achieve (filling in a form, writing an email, etc.). Use the advanced typing test to discover how well you can type. We've test materials in more than 15 different languages.
The practice is vital to becoming a professional in typing. The faster you will type, the more you sue the typing test. After every test, we provide you the detailed feedback. It includes the statistics about your typing speed, where you make errors, and where you slow down. Those details are crucial to increase your speed.
However, to keep track of your progress, you can sign up. All typing test score will be saved, and you can easily view charts of your progress. Registered members who've completed more than three typing tests can post messages on our forum and ask any typing related questions.
Why Typing Speed Matter?
It's almost 9 pm, and you have a 1500 word paper to write due to the first thing in the morning. If you type 50 words-per-minute (WPM), you can do this in just half an hour. That's not bad. Still, you have time for a night's sleep.
Instead, what if you type with your tow pointer fingers at a rate of 10 WPM? That report would take two and a half hours to finish the game.
This is an extra two hours of your life that you have just lost! Learning to type faster makes it more efficient and will help save your hours. For students, it means spending less time on homework and better scores on timed tests. It can make you shine at work by being more efficient and faster than your colleagues.
What Is An Excellent Typing Speed?
The average typing speed is almost 40 WPM, though it can change dramatically depends on how you type. For those who type with the two fingers, the peck and hunt method, you've to look for each key as you type. Unfortunately, no matter how fast you move, there's a limit to how fast you can type up words. The average speed is only 27 words per minute for those using this method.
Instead of typing with ten fingers, you can train your finger to type the right keys without looking down at the keyboard. Moreover, by moving shorter distances across the keyboard, you can type faster. The average touch typing using your all fingers over 50WPM, roughly twice as fast as you can go with a two-finger. Using this technique, most people can type faster. It would help if you kept in your mind that the average.
The famous Sean Wrona is the fastest typist alive nowadays, types as fast as 256 WPM. He can easily keep up a pace of 174 words per minute over 50 minutes. On our site NitroType.com, you can watch him dominate with an average of 199 WPM.
How Fast You Type To Get A Great Job?
Most jobs do not require certain typing speeds, but that's because necessary typing skills are taken as a given. Thus it would help if you aimed for a typing speed of 40 WPM to keep up a standard level of efficiency at the workplace.
The standards are higher for some professions. To do a job as a personal assistant, you need to type at least 60 words per minute. Word processors able to type from 55 to 90 WPM. There is usually no specified typing speed needed for other jobs that deal with computers, from journalists to programmers. But, if you take long to type, you will be swept away by the competition.
However, find out where typing skills stands by one of the typing speed tests. Whenever you complete a typing test, you can access a professional certificate shown to potential employers or teachers. Must sure to log in before you take it so that you can track your progress! Not just will this track your speed it will also note keys you tend to miss. You can also make a custom lesson based on problem keys from typing lesson pages.
How Can You Type Faster?
It comes down to practice, just like most skills. With the lesson you complete, create a memory in all of your fingers. Practicing using ten fingers in the right position to press the keys, you can train your fingers to remember it on their own.
Working on it for 15 minutes a day, after a few weeks, you will know the keyboard's exact location without even looking down at the keyboard. But remember that the key is learning the RIGHT way. Because without learning the correct position, you will be wasting your time. You might slow yourself down in the long run.
Or, if you are ready to stop talking and start doing, you can quickly jump right into our typing lessons to get the complete process. Whether you are learning to touch type for the first time or you are re-training yourself after years of 2 fingers typing, our free typing lessons will help you a lot to get on track.